Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Post #1: Saturn's Return

Have you ever heard of Saturn's Return?  If you're in your late twenties you should.  It goes like this...if you were to take a snap shot of the sky on the night you were born, the almighty Saturn would be there in the sky...of course, he's a planet.  What they don't tell you is that it takes about 27 years for Saturn to orbit and then return the the exact same spot it was on your big day.  What they fail to mention is that when Saturn returns he comes back with vengeance.  Basically you can view Saturn as the god of getting your shit together.  If you're not on the life path where you need to be by the time Saturn comes back, he will make sure you get to where you need to be.  Believe me...don't believe me. I will note however, that NEVER in my life have I believed in anything as superstitious or silly as a cosmic drill sergeant coming back into my life to shake up my shit up, but it happened.  From the day of my twenty seventh birthday until now my life has been a little weird...to put it lightly.

So here I am 28 years old, living in my hometown of Denver, teaching little kids for a living and trying to figure out where life wants and needs me to be.  This blog is not about getting my life together, hardly, instead I'm simply here to ramble, muse and document the day to day goings on in the Mile High City. I write when I feel like it, sometimes I just post pictures, whatever the case may be I love visitors, feedback and just knowing people enjoy looking at my pictures.  Enjoy!


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